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A welcoming congregation seeking to love Jesus and the people Jesus loves - which is of course everyone. Our congregation has a rich history of ministry to and with the community. However, even now we sense God stirring in our midst to takes us to new and exciting places in ministry. We are dreaming God-sized dreams as we seek to connect people to and grow them in the faith. We believe God has called us to do life and faith together.

We have people from different backgrounds, so whether you grew up in a Christian home, skeptical of God and religion all together, or somewhere in between - you are welcome here! One thing we certainly have in common is we are flawed, imperfect people. We are all learning what it looks like to follow Jesus in this particular season of our lives - wherever or whatever that may be. Our loving and gracious God invites us to come as we are, in order to help us become who we were created to be.


To connect people to and grow them in faith. We seek to provide opportunities for people to encounter God and mature in their faith journey. We desire to become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ, being examples of His light and love in the world.


To provide environments that connect people to God to: Worship...Grow...Serve


We desire to be a faith community where all are made to feel welcome. Whether you prefer suits or jeans, it doesn't matter to us what you wear - we just want to see you there! We don't want you to feel like you have to impress others in God's house. We want you to feel like you are with family, because that is who we want to be!


Thanks for taking the time to find out about us! If we can be of any assistance to you, please let us know. We welcome your ideas in helping to make this website more helpful for you.


Welcome to Blackshear First United Methodist Church. Located in Blackshear Georgia, our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. We invite you to join us in worship this week.
If you have questions, drop us a line or call
(912) 449-6347. We look forward to seeing
you this Sunday.


225 Church Street
Blackshear Ga, 31516


Mailing Address:

PO Box 127

Blackshear, GA 31516

office - (912) 449 - 6347

    fax - (912) 449 - 5333



9:45 am - Sunday School

11:00 am - Morning Worship


05:45 pm - Family Night Supper

6:30 pm - BLAST, Youth and Study Groups 


10:00 am - Sonshine Group

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© 2017 by FUMC Blackshear. Designed by S3 Design Co 

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